What I ate today:
Morning: homemade lamb-chicken broth
Lunch: Salad with lettuce, tomato, salami, pepperoni, Pepper Jack cheese and Ranch
Dinner: London Broil with diced tomato and onion, with Tzatziki sauce, 5 dried apricots
I would have to say today was a success. I went grocery shopping, and actually (a) stuck to my list and (b) resisted temptation. I have been known to go to the grocery store with the best of intentions, but somehow seem to walk out with at least "one little treat and then I'll get back on track." And for once, I didn't "overshop." Does anyone else do that? I stock up, buy way to much fresh stuff, because, after all, I want to be "prepared" for the coming week. Then I get off track and it goes to waste. (And I give myself an excuse to get even further off track!) And ya know what, I feel pretty damn good about being in control today!
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